How CPLC Works !
To satisfy itself that FIRs are duly registered and that no FIR/ complaint is refused
To find out if dilatory tactics are being adopted by the investigation officers in the cases assigned to them
To develop and maintain databases of Crime,Prisoners, and stolen Vehicles, etc
To collect statistics of various kinds of cases registered and disposed off during a specified period
To find out if any person is unlawfully and unauthorizedly detained at the police stations and to take necessary steps for the release of such person(s) in accordance with law
To assist the police in taking steps for preservation of peace and the prevention or detection of crimes
To assist the citizens in the removal of gambling or prostitution dens or any other unauthorized / illegal business that is being carried out in the area
To report the acts of misconduct or neglect of duty on the part of any police officer
To look into the working conditions of the police stations and suggest measures for their improvement
To create confidence, remove misunderstanding and narrow down the credibility gab between the police and the Public